Archivi tag: biblioteche

World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

La Svezia è stata scelta dall’IFLA per ospitare il 76° Congresso, che si svolgerà dal 10 al 15 agosto 2010 a Gotenborg. The title: “Open access to knowledge – promoting sustainable progress”

The theme is therefore centered around the following:

  • Free access to knowledge, as important as freedom of speech
  • Accessible for all, including the visually impaired and others with reading difficulties
  • Open and inclusive, no matter who you are or where you come from
  • Public domain, a place on the net or in a physical space, where people contribute and socially share content produced and owned as a public service
  • Open for ideas with user driven innovation, where the user might as well be the producer
  • Open access publishing for further knowledge building and a better balance between copyright laws and freedom of information

Why is this so essential? Access to knowledge opens the world of imagination and creativity, thus progress for one individual becomes progress for the society.

Sul sito ufficiale  www.ifla.org7ifla76 si può vedere il programma e leggere le relazioni dei vari contributi.

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Archiviato in Architettura dell'informazione, Biblioteca digitale, Comunicazione, information literacy, Open access, Ricerca, Risorse bibliografiche